A by Amiid Branding, Packaging Design
A by Amiid 為 Amiid 保養彩妝選物品牌的自有商品系列。
在清潔與沐浴時或妝點自己時,不論是沈思,抑或放空,都是一段只屬於自己的完整時間,也像是進入一個只屬於自己的空間。將代表角落的色塊結合字母A的造型,不同的變體詮釋每段只屬於自己的時光。以線段繪製的圖形是思緒的延伸,也繪製出 A by Amiid 的品牌理念。
The beauty of life is in small details.
A by Amiid Branding, Packaging Design
A by Amiid is the self-owned product series of Amiid.
When cleaning and bathing or dressing, whether it is meditation or emptiness, it is a complete time that belongs only to you, and it is like entering a space that belongs only to you. Combining the color block representing the corner with the shape of the letter A, different variants interpret each time that only belongs to you. The graphics drawn with line segments are the extension of thoughts, and also draw the brand concept of A by Amiid.
The beauty of life is in small details.