Jacu Café Branding
Jacu Café 是位於台中的一家咖啡廳,品牌名稱取自會挑選好品質咖啡豆的Jacu鳥,品牌標誌保留Jacu鳥紅色領結的特徵,將身體融合咖啡豆的造型,呈現品牌對咖啡的堅持。並以手繪感的風格詮釋咖啡廳的溫度與人情味。
Jacu Café Branding
Jacu Café is a coffee shop located in Taichung. The brand name is taken from the Jacu bird, which selects high-quality coffee beans. The brand logo retains the characteristics of the Jacu bird's red bow tie and integrates the body into the shape of coffee beans, showing the brand's insistence on coffee. And interpret the warmth and human touch of the café in a hand-painted style.