OH LA LA 法式薄餅 · 家常菜 Branding
OH LA LA 是巴黎先生花蓮太太一起經營的法式家常菜餐廳。餐廳位於人稱後山的花蓮。品牌標誌是折疊的薄餅也是層層的山巒,象徵花蓮與法國文化可愛的融合。並將法國哲學家笛卡爾經典格言「我思故我在」改為「我吃故我在」“ Je mange donc je suis.”,格言嵌入品牌標誌中,呈現法國的飲食文化與精神。
OH LA LA Crepes & Homemade Food Branding
OH LA LA is a French home-style restaurant run by a Parisian husband and a Hualien wife. The restaurant is located in Hualien, known as the Back Mountain. The brand logo is folded crepes and a layer of mountains, symbolizing the lovely fusion of Hualien and French culture. Changed the French philosopher Descartes' classic motto "I think, therefore I am" to "I eat, therefore I am" ("Je mange donc je suis."), The motto is embedded in the brand logo, presenting the French food culture and spirit.

Extra Info.
Client| @OH LA LA
Project | OH LA LA 法式薄餅 · 家常菜 Branding
Design | Neu
Release date| Jun. 2017